Nice tips, unfortuanelty too late for me as all is glued in already.
I have a big problem with the construction of the Rockstar. The CF spar is in the Top wing only. The wing is held on by the 2 cabane struts made in Elapor. Elapor becomes weaker if its exposed to high stresses or vibration and will eventually fail in these areas. I already lost my top wing once wich caused a crash of the Rockstar. It was repairable, but its no longer looking as nicely as id did before. Why oh why did the engineers at Multiplex decide on this (in my opinion) dangerous location of the carbon tube?
I no longer trust my Rockstar to fly High G manouvres and would like to reinforce its construction by adding a long nylon bolt from the top wing into the nut in the fuselage. For that I want to design a 3D printable part that can be glued to the wing. Because of the shape this will be hard to do without a 3D model of that section of the Rockstar.
Dear Multiplex, can you please make this available to me? I just need the centre part of the top wing, including cabanes and the bottom plate that attaches to the fuselage.
I am also thinking about just adding a second carbon tube in the bottom wing to take some load away from the top wing. Any tips on how to make a nice slot for this?