Hi, CaptKremen!
I agree with you: the manuals for MULTPLEX-products lack some information or somtimes are not as coherent as a newcomer to the product might expect. The are written by experts who know what they talk about. This also comes clear when you get the idea of anything described - but that sometimes needs time.
I don't agree to your reproach the text is not written or reread by a native speaker. Mostly seems to be proper English as far as technical English can be called proper. (The same phenomenon occurs in other langugages - even in German!)
But to help you with the softwaresliders: As soon a you activate them (there is a little box in the middle) you can use them like any other control but only as long as you can see them on the screen. They do not seem very usefull for surfaces but are a good help für mixerparameters or the sensitivity control of a WINGSTABI. You might come along other ideas where a parameter is altered in rare cases.
with regards